
Guitar Chords
The relaxing cafe where the bittersweet harmony of music surround you

About Us

About Us

Hi There! Welcome to our website, the website that collects chords, tabs and lyrics of many songs for you.

Our website was set up by three people who have totally different backgrounds. One is an architect who is playing guitar as their job.

Another one is an accountant who plays guitar, piano in her leisure. The last one is a food technologist who have been trying to learn playing musical instruments but never be success for that. Anyhow, we are gathering because we all love music.

Due to such a diversity, we then understand people and challenges they got when they start learning playing guitar as a beginner or people who have been learning for a while and want to become a professional. So...we try to design our website and add up all the function that can help all of you especially a beginner like key transposer or the articles about the fundamental knowledge of music and guitar.

Also, we have special scoops, update news about music and cover clips that we want to share our joy to all of you and make you feel like you always have a company to play the guitar with.

Beside, you can get more of our updates from other channels

Hope that you guys will enjoy our website and thanks for visiting us and being a part of it. :)