
Guitar Chords
The relaxing cafe where the bittersweet harmony of music surround you

Guitar Chord

Guitar Chords Carnival

Chord by Mark Skuzzbull : 11 Dec 2013
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CarnivalIntro : C#m7b5 | C9 | Bm 

   Em9   A                               Dmaj7    Gmaj7 
* I will   never know   cause you will never show
Em9                A                     Dmaj7              Gmaj7 
come on and love me now,   come on and love me now
 C9                   Bm 
(come on and love me now)

Instrument : Em9 | Dmaj7 Dmaj9 ( x2 )

Em9                             Dsus2            Dmaj9 
Carnival came by my town today        bright lights from
Em9                                  Dsus2        Dmaj9 
giant wheels fall on the alleyways          and I'm here
C#m7b5      C9               Bm 
by my door waiting for you

Repeat ( * , * )

Instrument : Em9 | Dmaj7 Dmaj9 ( x2 )

Em9                                      Dsus2   Dmaj9 
I here sounds of lovers barrel   organs, mothers
Em9                                 Dsus2                 Dmaj9 
I would like to take you down there just to make you
C#m7b5  C9             Bm 
mine in a merry-go-round 

Repeat ( * , * )

Em9 | A | Dmaj7 | Gmaj7 
come on and love me now ( x4 )
 C9                   Bm 
(come on and love me now)

Instrument : Em9 | Dmaj7 Dmaj9 ( x3 ) C#m7b5 | C9 | Bm 