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Guitar Chords Say you love me

Chord by Mark Skuzzbull : 29 Apr 2014
No-Rate 29,851 - Views 8,198 - This Month
Say you love me
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Say you love meIntro : Fmaj7 | Em7 | Dm7 G | Cmaj7 ( x2 )

   Fmaj7                          Em7                     Dm7       G         Cmaj7 
* Don't you know that I want to be more than just your friend
Fmaj7                   Em7                    Dm7        G    Cmaj7 
Holding hands is fine But I've got better things on my mind
Fmaj7                        Em7                         Dm7              G            Cmaj7 
You know it could happen If you'd only see me in a different light
                           Fmaj7          Em7                  Dm7       G       Cmaj7 
Baby when we finally get together You will see that I was right

     Fmaj7    Em7               Dm7            G              Cmaj7 
** Say you love me You know that it could be nice
                     Fmaj7      Em7      Dm7           G           Cmaj7 
If you'd only say you love me Don't treat me like I was ice
Fmaj7     Em7                 Dm7          G             Cmaj7 
    Please love me I'll be yours and you'll be mine
                               Fmaj7                  Em7                          Dm7  G             Cmaj7 
And if you'd only say you love me baby Things would really work out fine

Repeat ( * , ** )

Solo : Fmaj7 | Em7 | Dm7 G | Cmaj7 ( x2 )

Repeat ( ** )

                               Fmaj7                  Em7                          
And if you'd only say you love me darling
                         Dm7     G               F        C 
Things would really work out fine