
Guitar Chords
The relaxing cafe where the bittersweet harmony of music surround you

Guitar Chord

Guitar Chords Up&Up

Chord by GirlGirl : 29 May 2016
No-Rate 11,761 - Views 3,504 - This Month
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Up&UpG                                                     D        
Fixing up a car to drive in it again. Searching for the water hoping for the rain.
             Em             C 
Up and up, up and up.
G                                                                         D        
Down upon the canvas, working meal to meal. Waiting for a chance to pick your orange field.
             Em             C 
Up and up, up and up.
G                                                                   D        
See a pearl form, a diamond in the rough. See a bird soaring high above the flood.
                  Em                        D 
It’s in your blood, it’s in your blood.
G                                                                      D        
Underneath the storm an umbrella is saying. sitting with the poison takes away the pain.
             Em             C 
Up and up, up and up.  it’s saying..

 G                                                                          D        
 * We’re going to get it. Get it together right now. Going to get it. Get it together somehow
F                                                        C 
 Going to get it. Get it together and flower. oh oh oh oh oh oh.
 G                                                                     D        
 We’re going to get it. Get it together I know. Going to get it. Get it together and flow
F                                                       C 
 Going to get it get it together and go. Up and up and up.

Instrument:  G | D | Em | C | 
G                                                                D        
Lying in the gutter, aiming for the moon. Trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon
             Em             C 
Up and up, up and up.
G                                                      D        
See the forest there in every seed. Angels in the marble waiting to be freed. 
                Em                      C 
Just need love. just need love. When the going is rough saying


                     G                      D               Em                             C         
And you can say what is. Or fight for it. Close your mind. Or take a risk.
               G                          D                            Em                        C                        
You can say it’s mine. And clench your fist. Or see each sunrise as a gift.

Instrument:  G | D | F | C | (x2) 

Repeat CHORUS (x2) 

G                                                    D 
Fixing up a car to drive in it again.  When you’re in pain..
                                                Em       C                           G 
When you think you’ve had enough.. Don’t ever give up   

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